Saturday, October 30, 2010

Egypt *tiba-tiba*

Well basically this post is not really about class activities or pembahagian tugas ke or Cas project ke or not even the G4, Y2K, LT1, SPF 30 and ape tah lagi project IB which make MD62 rocks! T.T ( I miss that moments ). Tujuan hamba mengupdate blog ex-class hamba ini ( please say that I'm still the MD62, pleaseee, pleaseeeee ) adalah untuk errrrr.... entah la. I dont even know why I want to update this blog in this 17 degree cold night at Egypt. Maybe the fact that "saya rindu kamu semua kot" *malu*

OK TUKAR TOPIC, I stalked eh silap, I watched anda-anda punye FB photo album and I came across your recently Tadika project and the class potrait and wanna know something, I wish I didn't watched those album. sob sob sob. hehs mood sedih is seriously a miserable mood and tiring so x nak sedih2 dah and lets just make it positive. Howyeah!!! ( fine I lied, memang still sentap with those pics actually )
anyhow, deep in my heart I'm happy to see the class potrait and the Tadika project as well. You guys have such a happy and gumbira  face. Muke Hazim bersinar mcm Edward Cullen dlm Twilight ( please dont brag Hazim due to this statement. I WARNED YOU! )

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

yelah all this while the status of my colleagues in FB sume stok ketegangan (tension) with the Lab reports lah, Exam lah, Bising kat wispi la, Politics lah. politics ? damn some of you are really in with that eh ?!!! ha x kisah la and yes those negative statements. THAT WAS FROM WHAT I SAW in FB. so its good to see you guys having fun and Charmaine status which sounds like : MD62 may not be the best class in KMS , bla bla bla but we are happy/great/gembira or something like that. ( sorry Charmaine ).
dah afiq cukup2 lah tu... ok sorry SANGAT-SANGAT x dapat nak mention name sorang2 ( kalau mention jadi macam post Hazim la pulak kan! Hazim lagi -__-" ) but seriously, my eyes go straight to your FB. hua hua hua hua.

*Pochip and Ucop - dont be late to class, sile salin result experiments, thanks for calling last time (yesh, you saved my soul last time! agagagaga )

till then EX OW EX OW
Oh 1 more thing, I'm the pioneer of the Dental student here in Alex. ecececeh.. nak brag sket.
and my first exam would be right after raye haji. hope you guys pray for me and insyaallah you guys are always in my pray.

p/s: i know this entry is rubbish,  but I got the password meh so update je lah kan! lolololololol ;p



  1. awwww, afiq farhan rindu MD62
    *including me right?* -nad-

  2. Afiq!!!

    U r so welcome to post anything here. Blog ni dah mcm nazak je hahaha

  3. Afiq..... We miss you! ='(

  4. afiqqqqqqqqq !!! really really really miss youuuuu !!!

